Sunday, June 8, 2014


I have been intending on starting a blog as I am one of those lucky ones who has the opportunity to travel the world yet again with the intention of  learning from others as I go. Something has been stopping me from putting my thoughts to the world but tonight in Phnom Penh, Cambodia- in between the beautiful notes at concert with an amazing pianist- I think I have figured out why(although, I have leaned strongly on the excuse that I am ignorant to technology and can’t figure out how to set one up….complete bullshit since I know how to read directions). I am worried about writing perfectly. I am worried about things sounding as perfect as the music that came from the black and white keys, especially coming from a chick who makes mistakes everyday.

So, I am consciously letting that go. Perfection is an insane goal anyway. I am not a musical piece who gets to practice my life everyday in the same way. I am still learning big things let alone figuring the thousands of little things out.

I do know that I learn the most about myself, through relatively short interactions with others. Don’t mistake short for not meaningful. In fact, it is the opposite. These short interactions are ones that deeply affect me- especially when I allow myself quiet spaces in between busy days to think about why my heart, or my head, was directed to a certain reaction with each one. And so, this blog will be about those. This blog will be about continuing to find myself or who I strive to be, through, and with others that I meet along the way. It is in fact the only way I have ever have. Their stories are inherently apart of mine, no matter how small. I am a firm believer that nothing happens on accident. These blogs will be my lessons, my heartache, my joy- as I remember them. I have promised myself to write them that day, to NOT edit how I am feeling as is usually done, and to bring significant thought to what we are doing here in this great big place. This blog is not for those who worry about sentence structure, or the possibility of sometimes sounding silly. I will achieve both with every post I am sure. At times it may be raw. But, for now, I think that is the way to be to find our truths. 

Thanks for following. Send me your thoughts if so inclined. It will only help me continue to move forward in this journey of balance between love and everything else the world throws at us. 


  1. The very fact that certain people are placed in your life, if only for a short encounter, is a sign that you both have something to give and receive from each other.

  2. I am so excited to hear more of your journey. Please share with us all...for we all have lessons to learn daily for the rest of our lives.
